Happy New Year

January brings the snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glow.


Happy New Year everybody and welcome back to a new year, a new term, a new month and a new week. It was a bit of a long week for some of the children and by Wednesday they were tired but they battled through it and managed the full week.

So let's find out how the week unfolded.

On Monday, we could not wait to welcome back our Robins after a well-deserved Christmas break and say Happy New Year as we welcomed in 2024! The children were all very excited to tell us all about what Father Christmas had brought them, we just don't know how he managed to carry all of the presents down the chimneys! It was also wonderful to hear all about the exciting experiences they had shared with their families, from painting to visiting relatives who lived "really far far away!". As we settled back into the routine of school, we were also met with a freezing blast, as the chilly wind swept across the playground we were reminded to make sure we all bring in appropriate winter clothes for this time of the year so that we can enjoy out door play, this includes; a warm winter coat, hat and gloves. It is meant to get even colder next week so please make sure that these items are brought in everyday and are named so that we all stay as comfortable as possible as we whizz around the playground with our friends! Who knows, maybe the above verse will come true next week - will we see some snow?

Throughout this half term, on a Monday in our PE session, we will be experiencing fantastic learning with Anita who will be teaching us Gymnastics. This week we learnt three important moves within Gymnastics; the pike, tuck and straddle, and we were all fantastic at remembering them even without Anita reminding us!

We then had a go at lying on our backs and trying to create a bridge using our hands behind our heads and feet to push up and raise our tummies and bottoms off the floor. This is what it looked like, why not have a go at home? Can you get your head off the floor? Remember to always do it on a flat surface with nothing hard around you.  

To celebrate the start of 2024 we also made our very own calendars! Using different coloured squares we collaged the numbers 2024, carefully trying to stay in the lines. We are even going to get our very own tear off 2024 mini monthly calendars to stick at the bottom so that we can use it at home to remember what the date is!

This week we also really enjoyed spending time back in our home corner but instead of a home corner this week it turned into a car and we were on a mission to save our mum's who were lost in the deep dark forest! "Don't worry mum we're coming to find you!" we shouted as we drove through the forest! But what's that in front of us? "Our mum's phone is high up in the tallest tree!" We quickly grabbled our phone and made a call for help as we steered our car deep into the forest searching for our mum....luckily we phoned her and saved her, what a rescue mission!

We also enjoyed creating spectacular towers using Duplo this week and worked really hard to make sure they didn't fall down! "Look Mrs Brown at my tower, it's got flowers on the top!" 

In Show and Tell this week, we met Alber (I hope I have the right name!!!) the green dinosaur who pecks at porridge! We also met Robo dog who is remote controlled. Both children spoke well and answered lots of question - I don't know why but for some reason the more bizarre the question the funnier the answer and the whole session ends up full of laughter and pure enjoyment as the children take the conversations in ther own direction!

In other areas of learning (mainly during phonics and Maths, however, such learning will be transferred into all areas of our learning) we have been focussing on letter and number formation. For our numbers, we have been recording numbers 1-6 and each number has a rhyme to help us remember the formation.

Take a look at the attachments below and see if your child can write the number and say the rhyme at the same time.


With our letter formation, we use the cursive style of script. The children pick it up quite quickly and the more they use it the more embedded it becomes. With this in mind, next week, we will start sending home some letter formation activities for the children to do at home with your support, it will not be new learning, we will have already learnt the formation in class, this is over learning and you supporting the learning. We will send the books home on a Monday and will update them the following Monday.

Therefore, our "things to remember" will look like this....reading books / sounds / home school link books (daily)

and in addition....

MONDAY -letter formation books, PE kit



THURSDAY - Library books

FRIDAY - PE kit home 


We finished off the week with a long welly walk around the village - some of us were so tired we were literally dragging our feet, we left school about 1.15 and arrived back at 2.55, we didn't go very far but we were walking very slow!

I think most of the Robins will sleep well this weekend.


Have a lovely weekend - see you all on Monday (in PE kits but with uniform to change into for the remainer of the day - PE kits can then be left in school all week in their PE bags).