14th June

End of week 2
This week has been busy as the children have been working hard to create informative and emotive texts about D-Day. We have seen great progress in editing and redrafting before publishing. The children have enjoyed 'reading to the wall' to help them hear their sentences and check that they make sense, having the complete impact they'd design each sentence to have.
We have sent copies home for you to read too. Let us know what you think!
In PSHE we had lengthy discussions and idea sharing around mental health including what mental health is and how it is affected. The children identified that with 'well mental health' they can...
...talk to people
...go out
...manage challenges
...be happy
Together we learnt that life has challenges, and always will, this means it is a 'normal' part of life. It's how we manage life's challenges is what helps and we can start by understanding mental health and how we can support ourselves and those around us.
Enjoy your weekends, we hope you manage some time to rest, recharge and have some fun!
Especially for those fathers on Sunday.
Take care, and see you on Monday
PS: keep learning those lines!