Last full week of Term 4!

As we step closer to the end of Term 4, just a few bits of information to share.

Can you believe that this was our last full week of the term - next week is only 3 days - Thursday is an INSET day (staff only).

We really hope as many of you as possible will join us for our Easter Service on Wednesday in St. Andrew's Church in Chaddleworth. Robins and Kingfishers will each take a part in reading the Easter story. If you could pre order lunches online that would be helpful but if not don't worry, we will take orders at the Church and phone them through. 

After Easter, it is Robins turn to have Forest School Fun, please can all Robins children bring a bag of old clothes to change into after lunch (we do get muddy).

Also after Easter (I can't believe I am saying this already) we start to prepare the children (just a little bit) for Year 1. With that in mind we ask that the children arrive between 8.30-8.45 and come through the main gates - kiss and drop at the gate and then children head onto the playground and join the rest of the school in some morning social time, lining up when the bell goes at 8.45. 


So, what have we been up to this week......

We started this week in Maths by exploring sorting according to different criteria. Robins looked at a range of given objects and discussed what similarities and differences they noticed about them, from what they were to their colours. We then discussed how we could use these to sort them and continued sorting in free flow! 

On Tuesday the children used their previous experience of doubles to practically explore odds and evens, investigating when a number can be composed of 2 equal parts. They also had a little help from the Numberblocks to help them along the way and recreated the odd and even Numberblocks to support their learning. 

As Monday progressed we were soon onto our favourite part of the day....Dance!! This week our dance moves were all about our daily routine, from waking up to brushing our teeth we are getting increasingly confident at moving in time with with music! 

This week Robins have yet again blown us away with their writing skills and when asked to select a picture and write a sentence for it they were not only able to all do this independently but they were also able to remember our 3 writing must haves;

  1. Capital letter
  2. Finger spaces
  3. Full stop

Why not have a go at writing a sentence at home for a picture in your reading book or for the picture that you draw in your letter formation book? We would love to see them! Great work Robins!

Throughout the week we have discussed the 'Talk PANTS' rules and whilst we have all enjoyed singing along to the very catchy tune - we have also focussed on the very important message being sent out.

Below is a link to the song - you may wish to reinforce the message at home.

Pantosaurus Song









On Wednesday - we had a double treat! Kingfishers had headed out on their trip for the day so we had their Pantomimus slot as well as our own! Danielle joined us in our classroom and had brought something really special with her - everyone had a turn at listening to and then playing the harp - it was amazing. And then, as if things couldn't get any better - they did. Our Mystery Reader this week was........Denise from pre school, the children were delighted to see such a familiar face and I think Denise was delighted to see all the children too. Thank you Denise and Danielle for making our Wednesday afternoon such pleasure this week.


Then, on Friday, Kora came into school full of excited chit chat - there were LOADS of lorries going through Great Shefford and cars were stuck in a traffic jam! Well, we needed to investigate this further. So, mid morning, we looked at a map of the local area and sure enough we could see that some of the roads were indeed either red or orange indicating that there was slow moving traffic. Not quite happy with that explanation there was only one thing for it - Hi Viz jackets on and head out to the main road to see for ourselves - a bit of live action research!

We saw plenty of trucks, lorries and cars heading along the road, we even saw a motorbike and a caravan. So many vehicles beeped their horn, flashed their lights even opened their windows to give us a good wave, even Thomas and Emily's Mum and Dad popped out to say hello - it was such fun and certainly put smiles on our faces (and then on the way back we saw William's Mum - what a busy morning).


The sun was shining of Friday when we said goodbye to you all,

so we are keeping our fingers crossed that we have good weather all weekend.

Have a lovely weekend.

See you all on Monday.