3rd Nov

3 Nov 23

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a restful half term. The children have settled back into school routines quickly amidst the excitement of clock changes, Halloween and bonfire night.

We have bounced back incredibly well and children are focussed in their learning. In maths we have been working to deepen our understanding of the place value chart through adding and subtracting decimals. The children have challenged themselves to really get to grips with tenths, hundredths and thousandths as decimals. There has been great resilience shown through this concept!

In Reading we have started a new text and have so far read the Prologue. Ask your children if they can recall the names of the three Godessess that Paris had to choose between!

In PSHE we have looked at understanding the impact of choices in behaviour and how we all have a choice. The children lead a healthy debate around this using our Oracy symbols Agree, Challenge and Build.

Our KS2 worship was lead beautifully by 4 members of Red Kites to the rest of the class and Owls. This week we looked at Colossian 3:12 - 'clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, and patience'. We explored this terms Christian Value 'Compassion'.

The Worship leaders shared a discussion around how important it is to show Compassion to not only others, but to ourselves too. There were many ideas shared of how we can do this and we look forward to exploring this more over the term with Owls. The children showed great understanding of Bible Links and stories where Compassion is shown.



The main highlight from this week has been the incredible effort and courage Red Kites have put into preparing and delivering their Red Kites Leaders Speeches. On Friday morning, Red Kites shared their speeches to the rest of the school. We had 4 brilliant presenters who lead us through this process, including setting up the voting for who will be out next Shadow House Captains.

The children have spent time this week writing persuasive speeches outlining how their attributes will make them excellent leaders in particular areas. They have taken time to practise reading them confidently and some even took them home - so thank you to parents/carers for your support with this too. We are so incredibly proud of all members of Red Kites who so confidently took to the stage to share their pieces. Well done. We will announce this year's leaders on Monday.


We then held a vote and each child from each house voted for their Shadow House Captains.