13th Oct

After our wonderful week away, Red Kites have settled back into school routine. We started the week preparing for our harvest festival and exploring the link between harvest and mental health, as this year we held our Harvest Festival celebration on World Mental Health day. The children wrote meaningful pieces and shared their thoughts in our Harvest Collective Worship while wearing yellow in support of Young Minds charity. 

We have begun writing our Reflective Recounts of Manor Adventure Residential. Come and see the children share their recounts and experiences of their trip on Monday 16th October at 2:45pm in the school hall.

On Tuesday, the children learnt how a few more notes on their trombones with the top tip of smiling! This helps to get a higher pitch. They are showing great progress in learning this new instrument. On Wednesday, our piano teacher, Joe Overend led a piano worship. He showed us his amazing skills on the piano and we watched children who have lessons share their pieces. Red Kites really enjoyed this, please chat with your children to see if they would be interested in signing up for lessons!


In spirit of our trip, the children have brought a few team games home from Manor Adventure that they have enjoyed playing this week. We are yet to have a 'MOO-OFF' - I'll let your children tell you about that one!




In maths, we have been working hard to develop our mental strategies to add and sub tract with increasingly large numbers including decimals, money and finding missing numbers. The children have shown great confidence and enjoyment of maths this week! 


Our KS2 worship with Owls this week was based on Daniel and the Lions Den. Some great questions were asked and answered and some really reflective thinking around courage was demonstrated. We have started thinking about our Pilgrimage next Thursday!

We love reading! In Red Kites, our recommended reads list is growing. Please encourage your children to read a range of titles and share their views on the book! We have also started our reading partners with Kingfishers. The Red Kites have been brilliant role models and have enjoyed taking on this new responsibility.


It has been a really positive week in Red Kites; I can see growth, independence and responsibility and I am really proud of them!

Wishing everyone a restful weekend, see you on Monday and hope to see parents/carers at our Manor Adventure Reflective Worship on Monday at 2:45pm

Miss Oram and The Red Kites Team